About Us
Welcome to Organix Me – your destination for all-natural, green and healthy products with the USDA Organic Seal.Our company is founded on the notion that we do best when we consider the interests of society. We believe we can do well by doing good and we want to ensure that our children and their children have a safe, clean and peaceful world in which to live. What we want for ourselves, we want for everyone.
And we want to have a boatload of fun along the way. We're doing our part and invite you to join us on this exciting adventure.We're privately held and small by any standards - a well-oiled team of three owners run the company and bring you this great website and the fantastic products you see on this site.The three of us are Angela Li, Dan Pohlig and Gavin Zhong. Learn more about each of us below.
The team comes from a variety of complementary backgrounds. Dan and Gavin are Wharton graduates and classmates. Angela and Gavin worked together in Beijing where Angela still lives today. We're all committed to natural and organic products. We have expertise in the organic and natural foods business, as well as in start-ups, e-commerce, technology, marketing, budgeting and financial planning, inventory and warehouse management, purchasing, customer service, search engine optimization, and, well, you get the picture. We love what we do. This latest adventure is the best of all worlds for us - the blending of our experience and passion - and we're thrilled to be able to do what we love and share that with you.
I like travel, music, painting and living an organic lifestyle. In a city as busy as Beijing, travel helps me relax and escape the work pressure. Music is my passion and painting let’s me express my mood. I credit eating organic foods and using organic products for keeping me healthy.
And now I want to share the great benefits of organic products with everyone. I joined my partners to form Organix Me to bring this organic lifestyle to everyone. We want toshare the benefits of organic products so that you can also enjoy a healthy and happy life.
I grew up in Beijing. When I was a child, Beijing’s skies were clear and full of sunshine. Today Beijing is a modern city with high-rise buildings and freeway systems crossing the city. We all know the environment has changed and atmospheric pollution has increased causing health problems. Gallstones, kidney stones, and cancer threaten our well-being. With what’s in our air, I have begun to pay attention to my food, cleaning products, and cosmetics. Many of the products you find on in or store are products I’ve brought back from different places when I travel and I share them with my friends. Now I want to do something for more people and hope to share these healthy products with all. Organix Me includes cleaning and cosmetic products to help you live this kind of healthy life. Please join us and enjoy the organic lifestyle!

Hello and welcome to Organix Me! I have had such a good time searching out all the products you can find here in our store and using them with my family. I was born and raised in Beijing,whichI still deeply love and am attached to. I enjoy exploring the world with my family. My wife Winnie and I lived in Sydney, Australia for six years where we enjoyed the pure, green environment and healthy, outdoor lifestyle. We welcomed our daughter Eva to the world a little over four years ago and have been determined to use only products that we trust and know are healthy for her.

We also spent two years in the United States in Philadelphia, where I survived the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and received my MBA. That’s also where I met my friend and business partner Dan. My family and I now live in Germany and travel back and forth to China. Living green and healthy has always been our passion.
Unfortunately, after watching several of our friends and family members in China fall prey to cancer, we hope that our child and all other people could enjoy a healthier life by using healthier products like the ones we’re selling here at Organix Me. Please feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any questions about the products we’re carrying here.

It’s easy for products to put words like “all-natural” or “green” on their containers and pass themselves off as healthy. Whom can you trust?
I found myself asking that same question a lot more after my wife Alison and I welcomed our son Alex into the world in November 2013 with an all-natural birth in our home in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Now over a year old, Alex is a fun-loving, happy, healthy little guy who loves going for long walks in our neighborhood and playing with our three cats. We opted for a home birth for Alex because we wanted to avoid unnecessary drugs and medical interventions. For the same reason we use all-natural, organic products in our home because we want to avoid the unnecessary chemicals and toxins that are in so many products. I’m also passionate about making sure the products I use are not produced in ways that harm the environment.

I am lucky to have met my friend and classmate Gavin at the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania and Gavin’s colleague Angela. We all share the same passion for organic, healthy products.Organix Me is our attempt to take all the knowledge we have acquired over years of researching, testing, buying and using organic products and offer that as a service to our customers. We stand behind all of the products we’re selling here and are always looking for new suppliers in out-of-the-way places so we can share those products with our families, friends and customers. Welcome to our store! Please let us know how we can help you find the products you’re looking for.